29 Aralık 2019 Pazar


 Virtual Reality (VR) is defined as a “… computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors.”.
There are many potential high-payoff areas for research and development of Virtual Reality  technology for education and training. Virtual Reality  needs to be developed as an integral part of the educational and training process, implemented alongside other traditional and non-traditional tools. It can be used for exploration and for training practical skills, technical skills, operations, maintenance and academic concerns. Teachers and trainers need to be exposed to VR in multiple ways so that they can begin preparing themselves and their institutions for future changes. Integrated scenarios for an assortment of environments and educational areas need to be developed to give educators and trainers a better view of the strengths and weaknesses of these environments; and to give evaluators a means for documenting effectiveness and formative evaluations. Digital libraries need to be constructed that take advantage of VR interfaces. Much more research is needed on the variables that control immersion and on the benefits and drawbacks of immersion so that cost-effective design compromises can be made. Finally, more extensive long term effects, both social and psychological, of these environments need to be documented and analyzed.


Padlet is a web app that lets users post notes on a digital wall. The uses for this site in the classroom are virtually endless!

Padlet can be used by students and by teachers. With padlet you can create an online post-it board that you can share with any student or teacher you want. Just give them the unique Padlet link. Padlet allows you to insert ideas anonymously or with your name. It’s easy to use and very handy.
Whoever has the Padlet board opened on his smartphone or computer, can see what’s on it and what everyone is writing. Students just have to take a device and start adding little sticky notes online. They can see all the ideas gathered on the teacher board immediately. My padlet wall in here https://padlet.com/simsekseyma1/6y8033yw5w5j


Pixton is a cartoon creation tool that allows its users to create awesome comics. Pixton has also a growing community that anyone can access to contribute with their own comics. This tool is very easy to use and does not require any artistic skills to work on it. You can introduce it to your students and let them create their own comics and share them with each other.

On the right you can look at my little comic sample. I choose my feelings during the first days of every year as my comic topic. 


Edmodo is an educational website that takes the ideas of a social network and refines them and makes it appropriate for a classroom. Using Edmodo, students and teachers can reach out to one another and connect by sharing ideas, problems, and helpful tips. A teacher can assign and grade work on Edmodo; students can get help from the entire class on Edmodo. It is a safe environment. There is no bullying or inappropriate content, because the teacher can see everything that is posted on Edmodo. Also parents can join the class to bring a level of transparency that is difficult to achieve without technology. All in all Edmodo is a grat companion to just about any class

You can look at my profile and works in Edmodo. I completed some exercises that I can't fit all of them on one screenshot during this term for three lesson. 

28 Aralık 2019 Cumartesi


"Animatron is an easy­-to­-use and powerful online HTML5 animation maker that enables users to create stunning animations and videos right in the browser."
Animatron is an easy­-to­-use and powerful online animation maker that enables users to create stunning animations and videos right in the browser. It is cloud based: no installations and no plugins needed. It is built on the newest and safest HTML5 technology which allows for the universal playback, both on desktop computers and mobile devices.

I want to put a screenshot about my animation process. If you want to watch all video you can click this YouTube link :)    https://youtu.be/74Q5rDNxGv4


Storybird is a language arts tool. We use illustrations to inspire Members to write stories, and encourage ongoing writing practice with badges and other rewards. Storybird is free to use for everyone. Purchases such as memberships (not sold to students) and printed copies of your own story are optional and not necessary to use the Site.

All stories in the public library are fully moderated by humans, and public comments are tightly filtered through a combination of human and machine moderation to remove PII, and to foster a positive environment suitable for all ages. Stories written by students are not allowed in the public library. There are some user options such as educator, student, regular, artist, writer, parent. 

Since we are in the  last days of 2019 and we are about to enter new year, I choose a topic about Christmas.  You can read my story experience here 

23 Aralık 2019 Pazartesi


Voki is an application that allows you to create characters online and allow them to speak text you type. The characters you create with Voki have the ability to speak texts written in many languages. I created my avatar as my favorite English teacher who is still in the same primary school and wear like a shirt and sweater. I speak about the importance of vocabulary study and one vital problem about keeping words in mind briefly. If you want to watch my avatar you can just click below 


Hot Potatoes is a programm for creating questions and quizzes whose name evokes beautiful French fries to me :) There are some options for creating quizzes such as multiple-choices, short answer,hybrid, multti-select, matching exercises,gap-fill exercise. Theacher can create their question and gives feedback by using these options. This application is quite old compared to similar applications.
You can look at my little Hot Potatoes quiz example below


Blackboard LLC was founded in 1997 by two education advisors, Matthew Pittinsky and Michael Chasen, as a consulting firm to provide technical standards for online learning applications. This platform integrates data and applications for e-learning.

Benefits of the Blackboard Learning System

Students and faculty may benefit from course management systems such as the Blackboard Learning System. Potential benefits include: (1) increased availability, (2) quick feedback, (3) improved communication, (4) tracking, and (5) skill building.
1)  Blackboard can be accessed from the internet at anytime and anywhere. Students can retrieve all of their course materials including assignments, lecture notes, slides, internet hyperlinks, and audio/visual aides. They can submit their assignments as soon as they are complete. It is this accessibility that most appeals to students
2)  , students can take their tests and have all objective-based questions graded and scores available immediately after they submit their responses
3)  There are several features of Blackboard that allow for communications with students. Four of the more distinctive options are announcements, discussions, virtual classroom, and email.
4)  Tracking. Blackboard tracks student usage of courses and posts these results in the course statistics area. Instructors can obtain statistics on all students or individual students within the course. Individual assignments can also be tracked
5)  Skill building. There are several additional skills that are promoted with the use of Blackboard. These skills include organization and time management, which go hand-in-hand in helping students carry out their assignments efficiently. Blackboard provides the ability to include a calendar for each course in which a student is enrolled, thus optimizing students’ efforts to match course expectations. 

For more information you can also read this article http://www.gilfuseducation.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/learning-management-system-Blackboard.pdf

22 Aralık 2019 Pazar


Glogster is a cloud-based platform for creating presentations and interactive learning. A platform that allows users, mostly students and educators to combine text, images, video, and audio to create an interactive, Web-based poster called glogs on a virtual canvas

On the left is my first poster experience about the relationship between classroom management and teacher skills in Glogster and you can visit in here   


Kahoot is a free web-based program that allows teachers to pose questions to student who then respond from a selection of answers electronically on their own devices. It records the answer each child gives to a question, as well as how quickly they respond, so teachers can use the data to assess their children. Ultimately, it a fun and engaging tool that can be used to challenge and assess learners. I think the most original and fun features of Kahoot is teaching new words and information with a sweet competition. You can look at my mini Kahoot quiz in here :) https://create.kahoot.it/share/classical-drama/9a51c0da-1ec7-43c2-83e6-64b4c9c7cc41

Quizlet is a free website which enables teachers and students to create digital flash cards. Especially if you need to memory vocabulary , Quizlet is great study tool for subject with visual or auditory content so you can also listen the pronunciation of the word that you want to learn. I can quitely say that Quizlet is uniqe for vocabulary study. If you want to try my little flash card,  you can click this link :)


Nowadays, with the use of technology and the Internet, education is undergoing significant changes The Internet access and use of Laptops have created the technological conditions for teachers and students can benefit from the diversity of online information, communication, collaboration and sharing with others. Moodle is also one of these significant conditions and systems. This platform is widely used worldwide by universities, communities, schools, instructors, courses, teachers and even businesses.

The Moodle platform has three levels of use, with features of differential use and access : Administrator, teacher and student.   Administrator manages the whole environment, teacher generates events, courses or subjects according to the thematic areas defined generates training or events which are designated, student accesses and interacts with a specific event and participates in the subjects they are subscribed. 

As consequence, The Moodle is an e-learning platform used throughout the world. Universities, communities, schools and teachers serve up to her to communicate and transmit information to their educational communities. Developed by Martin Dougiamas is a platform with technological characteristics and satisfactory teaching, gaining users and developers working collaboratively. The great success of this platform due to the fact that a open source system, providing programmers the opportunity to make new contributions, with new applications, making it one of the most widely used in courses distance. It seems to us that the integration of such platforms deserves special attention and should be included in educational settings, despite all the limitations and lack of existing at the different levels, such as difficulty in accessing the platform, because the connections are very slow or that the servers can not manage the information when there are many users, or because there is no availability of computers with Internet connection.

21 Aralık 2019 Cumartesi


Socractive is a learning system where teacher can create quiz and multiple question which helps to students to increase their knowledge about previous informations. Students have opportunity to test themselves, have a good command on subjects and also they have chance to reinforce their vocabulary.
Socractive accelerates the learning process beacuse teacher can produce effective tests and students can easily access these tests and practice themselves in anytime and anywhere that they want 
You can check my Socrative account and my mini quiz by clicking here https://b.socrative.com/teacher/#import-quiz/43815268

here is the pictures from my quiz

              THE ONLINE EDUCATION CASE  There is not a single area where technology does not affect our lives. Of course, this includes edu...